How to Lead Like Christ in a World Full of Managers

In this beginner's guide, you will learn the difference between management and leadership, the essential principles that all good leaders must adhere to, and what it means to be a transformational leader, all from a biblical perspective.

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    Leadership vs. Management

    Is leadership and management the same? Absolutely not. Learn about the science of management and the art of leadership and what the qualifying factors of a leader are.

    Jesus Christ: The Greatest Leader Who Ever Lived

    How did Jesus lead others? We don't always think of Jesus as a leader in the same way we think of company CEOs, sports team captains, or military personnel. This guide will showcase Jesus as the most perfect leader in human history.

    Examples From the U.S. Military

    Can someone serve in the armed forces and lead like Christ? Absolutely. In this guide, I'll share the story of a man who had a profound influence on me at the beginning of my career as a naval officer.